Monday, March 12, 2012

4th month Doctor's visit

Today was Eidan's 4th  month check up and immunization shots. I remember the first time we took him to the pediatrician. It was a few days after we came home from the hospital. We spent a sleepless night trying to calm a crying, hysterical baby. Eric and I did not know what to do, and truth be told, I think I spent half the night not knowing what was going on as I was still on pain meds.

We got to the doctor's office that day with panicked looks on our faces and a squirming baby. Finally, we were told that Eidan was hungry! My milk hadn't fully come in yet and so my poor little man was starving!

Fast forward to today, 4 months later. Eidan and I felt like pros at the doctor's office today. We got there early, played with a few of the kids in the waiting room, then got weighed, height charted, and then seen by the doc. Great news! He is doing so many advanced things such as rolling over well both ways, holding his head and legs up when on his tummy, standing up with minimal support, and sitting down (almost) by himself. And of course, he kept talking to the doctor and laughing at the instruments that were poking and prodding him. I felt like such a proud mama! He cried for about 5 seconds when the needle pricked his skin, and then he was back to smiling and cooing at me.

We love to read!
(sorry for the dark, blurry pic)

and he's out! zzzz.....

At home after his bath, Eidan got ready for bed and I read him a new book, Mommy Hugs by Karen Katz (bought from Amazon). He knocked out pretty quickly after that, and I think I just sat there for half an hour just enjoying holding him. How fast time flies.... I cannot believe he is now 4 months old!

Mommy Look of the Day - a bit of a mish mash
Fedora - Nordstrom
White top and black cardigan (old, Forever 21)
Jeans (Old Navy)
Bag (Rebecca Minkoff MAB Mini)
Shoes (Ann Marino booties, buy here)

I was lusting after a pair of suede Bottega Veneta booties similar to this but it was no longer available.
This was a great find, AND on sale at!

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